Top 8 tips: How to become an influencer

Influencer marketing is now the most effective form of advertising. Influencers tend to have loyal followers that trust them. When promoting a product using an influencer with a large following, it will allow your product to be shown to a wide range of people in one space.

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Do you want to know how to become an effective influencer?

  1. Finding a niche- There are many unsuccessful “lifestyle” bloggers. Many people create pages on social media platforms about things they are passionate about. As they are very generic, they are unable to get a huge following; the key is be different than your competition. Therefore, finding something you like that is different to other would class as a ‘niche’.
  2. Choose a platform to promote your content – Gaining success on all social media platforms will be a difficult thing to do. Therefore, picking one platform to start will allow you to produce highly quality content. Some make up artists focus primarily on Instagram putting all their time and energy into that one channel the aim is to keep growing, once you have built up one platform then you can start to focus on another’s.
  3. Create a unique social media strategy – It is essential to plan the content you are going to promote. Create a plan for a period of time and then make the decision on when you will post and how often you would like to post. The key is to be consistent. This can include the captions you want to use etc.
  4. Creating the content – This is where the majority of your time should be spent. It is imperative that you create content better than your competition, invest in your brand do not be scared to put money into it.
  5. Be Consistent – If you post at a certain time every day/every week, consumers will most likely remember this and patiently wait for your next post. This creates a buzz, and gets people talking. Which is exactly what we want to create.
  6. Collaborations – If you want to grow your audience then it is useful to do collaborations. Working with brands or bigger influencers than you will give you the opportunity of gaining their followers.
  7. Constantly engage – Follow people back, respond to comments and messages, this will let people know that you appreciate the comments they have regarding your content.
  8. Use data collected to its fullest – by constantly measuring and reviewing content, you will be able to gain an insight in to what sort of content your audience like, who are your audience? with this key information from analytics you will then be able to decide what other content you can produce.


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