About us

About us

We're a global company, bringing brands and influencers together.

iXi Media Group is an Influencer Talent Management and Public Relations agency, helping to shape and guide careers across the entertainment industry and more. With more than 9 years’ experience within the industry having built a large list of clients and a catalogue of brands we have worked with. We offer a specialist service to our influencers as well as brands, creating a relationship between them for on-going promotional work such as beauty, fashion, hospitality and lifestyle sectors both nationally and internationally. 

Whether you are a public figure seeking representation or a brand looking for the perfect influencer to collaborate with we can help.


9+ Years of Experience


The benefits of working with ixi Media Group

We are not the typical influencer matchmakers, we are able to provide services that our competitors currently don’t have access to. We are a fully serviced brand and influencer agency, we are always willing to go the extra mile for our clients.  

Extensive List of Clients

We have worked with top brands, putting their products and services in front of the right audience

Photoshoot Space

Situated within our office we have created the ideal space for photoshoots to take place

Business Mentoring

Not only do we do matchmakng, we are able to provide you business advice to help you kick start your brand.

Podcast Studio

We have created a separate space within our office for individuals and group to record when needed.

Luxury VIP Car Access

We have a huge fleet of cars available to take you to private events, photoshoot use and day to day travel.

Investment Opportunities

We have multiple businesses attached to ixi Media Group, that are available to invest in.
Our Value Our Mission
To build long lasting relationships between influencers and clients.

We create unique marketing campaigns on all platforms. Using our well thought through strategies we develop relationships with  brands and influencers. Top priorities for us to create a sustainable relationship, between clients and brands are credibility, loyalty and reliability.

To create unique campaigns that will have high levels of engagement globally.

We use our extensive list of influencers to create exciting bespoke marketing campaigns which traditional advertising agencies cannot offer you.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)