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Virtual Office

For influencers we are also available to do administration such as invoice casing, managing records and general office management. This will benefit people who do not have to time to manage their own paperwork, and we can take this off your hands. Depending on your requirement we can discuss what you need to be done.
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Digital marketing and Public Relations

Efficiently placing the right influencers with the right brands, creating content on the right platforms for the right audience. Booking promotions and digital content for campaigns clients are passionate about. Connecting top celebrities with leading corporate brands to create a relationship which will ensure both side flourish.
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Strategic Planning

Working across television, radio, press, social media and commercial brand opportunities, iXi Media can produce a detailed plan when influencers first start our agency to show what we would like to achieve in a period of time, answering questions and prompting the influencers  to share what they want to accomplish within this time frame.
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Brand Solutions

Creating unique brand image that will lead to personal publicity and generate a larger audience for all social media platforms. Creating unique branding with already popular brands and companies.
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Offering professional services in all areas in creating a brand for each of our influencers and clients. Creating a talent partnership through celebrity endorsement and online branding. Bringing together this understanding of talent and the data behind them, to implement strategy and campaigns for brands.
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Making sure the public image of our influencers and clients is well-known, pitching to clients we believe fit both us as a company and our influencer’s values. Working closely to create a PR strategy to help build a public profile, this includes press conferences, arranging interviews, as well as generating marketing content to promote public […]
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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)