Senior Marketing Manager

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  • Senior Marketing Manager

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

Accra, Ghana.

Start Time: Immediate

You’ll succeed if…You’re a natural multitasker, with the confidence to take ownership and make decisions when needed. And crucially, you’re also comfortable working quickly and reacting to change. Able to work efficiently as part of a small team, you are self-motivated marketer who has a thorough grasp of marketing and creating top notch marketing ideas. Possess strong managerial skills, excellent communication skills, an eye for detail and resourcefulness are key to this position.

You’ll love it because…

The role is an exciting, fast-paced and wide-ranging position which requires a highly motivated individual with excellent organisational skills to lead the marketing team in driving forward the marketing activities of the firm. You’ll get to make an impact like never before!

Our company will provide an incredible platform for you. And our dynamic, ownership-driven culture will help bring the very best out of you, every day. You’ll be responsible for your own projects – we can’t wait to listen to your ideas. The products you help us get out there will make people’s lives better.

Working alongside the Directors, you will prove invaluable in helping support with the day to day running of them marketing for the business .

The pace and complexity of our business will mean that every hour could bring something new. And you’ll respond effectively every time making sure the team meets their goals on time and effectively.

Essential Criteria:

  • Minimum of 5 years previous experience within a similar role or proven marketing experience B2B and B2C
  • Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Packages e.g. Excel, Work, Outlook, PowerPoint etc
  • Excellent communication skills both written and verbal.
  • Ability to manage and prioritise a busy workload.
  • Creative and innovative with the ability to multi-task, give instructions and use own initiative.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)